By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 9 May 2015.
There has been another prisoner swap between the groups fighting to the west of Tripoli, this . . .[restrict]time involving Zawia, Zintan, Rajban and the Warshefana.
Under Thursday’s deal, mediated by the Libya Red Crescent, 53 Zawia prisoners were released – 13 held in Zintan, 11 in Rajban and 30 by the Warshefana. In return, the Zawians released 25 prisoners.
These are said to include members of three families who live in Tripoli’s Gurji district who were allegedly seized there and then taken to Zawia. It is not known where they originally came from.
The exchange took place at an open area near the “T Zone”, 80 kilometres north east of Zintan and 50 kilometres south of Zawia.
In recent weeks, there have been prisoner exchanges between Zintan and Misrata and between Zintan, the Warshefana and Gharyan, both mediated by local elders. [/restrict]