By Libya Herald staff.
Tawerghans were still mopping up today after torrential overnight rain yesterday flooded their camp in Bani Walid.
Some 120 families saw their fragile huts and container homes inundated, soaking their limited remaining possessions and leaving them wet and shivering.
On camp resident, Ahmed Mohammed Omar told the Libya Herald in a quivering hopeless voice, that there had been nothing that could be dome in the downpour. Inadequate drains had quickly been blocked and overflowed, sending water surging through the camp.
Omar complained that so far there had been no official attempt to help them.
“Since the rains, not a single supply or food has been given from by any governmental institute or NGO. Some citizens have done their best to help us, but unfortunately this is far from enough, just a little bit of food and a few dry blankets”.
Unfortunately for the camp’s inmates this is not their first flood disaster. When they fled in 2012 from Tawergha, they sheltered in a makeshift compound at Al-Fallah of Tripoli’s Airport Road.
Grim winters with days of heavy rain flooded out this and neighbouring Tawerghan camps on several occasions. Then last summer’s battles in the capital forced them to flee again, this time to Bani Walid.