By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli, 22 March 2015:
The funeral was held today in Tripoli’s Martyrs’ Square for one of a number of . . .[restrict]senior Libya Dawn commanders believed to have been killed yesterday in circumstances which are not yet entirely clear.
Salah Al-Burki, who commanded the Tripoli Abu Sleem Brigade but was originally from Tarhouna, is said to have died in fighting in the Kassarat district of Aziziya.
His funeral service was conducted by the Grand Mufti, Sheikh Sadik Al-Ghariani. Some 100 mourners were present, many of them apparently from the Nawasi Brigade. Among prominent Libya Dawn personalities was antigovernment prime minister Omer Al-Hassi, who during the ceremony stood alongside Burki’s teenage son.
During the orations, mention was made of Mazeq Mazeq commander of Misrata’s Tajin Brigade who was also killed yesterday, apparently in fighting against IS in Sirte.
There was no reference to any of the other half dozen commanders who reportedly perished. There has been speculation that they may have been caught in the same explosion that killed Burki.
The speculation also extends to the health of Libya Dawn commander from Misrata, Salah Badi. There has been no official comment on reports that he was injured yesterday and is in intensive care. However it is thought surprising that he did not attend the funeral of his fellow commander, nor has he appeared on television to denounce the slaying.
This evening Libya Al-Hurra TV carried a statement from an unnamed Tripoli security official who denied that Badi was dead. The official said the rumours of the commander’s demise were intended to undermine Libya Dawn morale.