By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli, 20 February 2015:
Reuters has reported that IS in Libya has claimed responsibility for the slaughter in this . . .[restrict]morning’s Guba car bombings and said that suicide bombers were involved.
The death toll from the multiple bombing is being put at 40. The number of injured is now estimated to be in excess of 80. The small hospital in the town was overwhelmed with wounded, many of whom were taken on to Beida. The government has laid on a special flight to move the most seriously injured from Labraq to the United Arab Emirates.
British ambassador Michael Aron, Tweeted from Tunis that the UK strongly condemned the car bombings. “Condolences to families of the victims”, he wrote, “Libyans must unite against terrorism”.
US ambassador Deborah Jones messaged from the US Libyan embassy relocated in Malta that she condemned “in the strongest terms the horrific attacks” adding “Only when Libyans unite can such extremist violence be defeated”.
UNSMIL also deplored the attacks on the home town of House of Representatives’ speaker Ageelah Salah as “cowardly acts that are totally rejected”.
It added: “The Mission believes that the best response to counter terrorism and violence is for the Libyans to forge ahead with the search for a political solution to end the conflict and restore stability and unity to the country and the State institutions”. [/restrict]