By Libya Herald reporters.

Tripoli, 24 February 2015:
The House of Representatives has today agreed to work on legal changes that will create . . .[restrict]a new post of Commander in Chief of the Libyan Armed Forces.
Members accepted a proposal sent to them last week by the HoR Defence Committee, for an amendment to Law 11 of 2012 on the armed forces which was passed by the old parliament, the General National Congress. The suggested change will now go to a drafting committee before being formally sent back to the House by its president, Ageela Salah .
As it currently stands the amendment seems to have a number of ambiguities. The person holding the new C-in-C role would have power over the armed forces though he would also theoretically be under the Minister of Defence.
Still to be clarified appear to be the different levels of responsibility between the planned new post and the existing most senior officer, the Chief of Staff. This post is currently held by Major General Abdul Razzak Al-Nazhuri.
The new C-in-C would be able to appoint and sack army officers. He could also propose military court officials and judges but their appointment would be made by the Defence Minister.
Social media posts today were insisted that the HoR had in fact appointed Dignity commander General Khalifa Hafter to the role.
However in a Tweet HoR member Tarik Geroushi, son of the commander of the Libyan Air Force Saqr Geroushi, insisted that parliament had only debated the change to the law. He did indicate however that the proposal would mean the C-in-C would take over the duties of the Defence Minister.