By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 9 September 2014:
Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya Bernardino Leon met . . .[restrict]today with the Chairman of the Constitutional Drafting Assembly (CDA), Ali Tarhouni, in Beida.
Leon later addressed other members of the assembly, expressing his appreciation for its work. He added that the UN would provide it with any technical assistance needed.
“A constitution for Libya that enjoys the widest support among Libyans will not only reflect their aspirations for a democratic future of a state built on the rule of law and human rights but will also contribute to longterm political stability in the country,” Leon said.
Describing the assembly as a safe haven, he said the elected representatives there were working to address the nation’s challenges through dialogue and consensus.
“It is very important that the spirit prevailing in this house reaches all Libyans,” Leon added. “We will do whatever necessary to support your role.”
Yesterday the new UNSMIL head met in Tobruk with the President and the two Deputy Presidents of the House of Representatives. While there he reiterated UN support for the elected legislature as the sole legislative authority in Libya.