By Sami Zaptia.
Southampton, England 26 June 2013:
Ali Al-Sherief, Libyan Minister of Housing and . . .[restrict]Utilities, and the Chairman of the Housing and Infrastructure Board (HIB), Mahmud Ajaj, will be speaking at a roundtable event in London on Tuesday 2 July.
Al Sherief and Ajaj are visiting the UK ‘’to learn more about the capabilities of UK companies in supporting the Libyan government in the reconstruction and development of their country’’, the organisers say.
The Ministry of Housing and Utilities has a budget of approximately 4 billion LYD (approx. £2 billion) of which 1.5 billion LYD is for use by the HIB (approx. £750 million). The budget for HIB will mainly be aimed at the following areas:
1 – Design, architectural and consultancy services for the Infrastructure of six main Libyan cities.
2 – Contractual works including the design and installation works for Water and Wastewater treatment plants and housing units.
The Minister and Chairman will address the audience about their plans before opening up for an interactive roundtable session.
The event is organised by British Expertise in co-operation with UKTI and the LBBC at the British Expertise Offices in Grosvenor Gardens, London.
For more details see: [/restrict]