Dear Editor,
I do not know where else to send this, but I wish for someone “over there” to know this.
I teach . . .[restrict]American Government to high school seniors in California. I wanted to express my gratitude about how deeply touched I was this morning when I spotted the gentleman outside the American Consulate in Benghazi with a sign reading “Sorry America, We Are Not All Like This” while watching the news.
This small gesture from this lone man made me weep, and I still believe in the goodness people are capable of, even in the face of such a sorrow-filled tragedy. What a good, decent person he must be.
Whomever you are, sir, bless you.
I passed his gesture along to my students, cautioning them not to “…paint a single people with a broad brush of hatred.” I hope Libyans do the same, for “hating Islam” is not one of my American values.
Loretta Slocum,
Porterville , California