By Hadi Fornaji.
Tripoli, 9 August:
Lawyers for Justice in Libya . . .[restrict](LFJL) have announced the launch of their new ‘Destoori’ campaign to encourage national engagement with the process of creating a new constitution.
The ‘Destoori’ or ‘My Constitution’ campaign aims to raise awareness and educate citizens on the constitutional process and their rights and role in this, whilst gathering public opinion to deliver to the General National Congress (GNC).
The campaign will focus on encouraging people to be involved and sharing information in deprived areas, rural towns and amongst disadvantaged groups, where knowledge of the work for the future constitution may be low. To achieve this, a mobile touring event, ‘Rehlat Watan’ (‘Journey of a Nation’), will give the chance for ordinary citizens witht poor access to information to participate in the creation of a new constitution.
Rehlat Watan will be run by young Libyans who are passionate about the future of the country. A group of young lawyers trained by LFJL called ‘Destoori Guides’ will work with ‘Destoori Ambassadors’, young local volunteers, and local organisations to run interactive community events at more than 20 towns and cities throughout the country.
These ‘Constitution Day’ events will include Q & A sessions, town hall discussions and other interactive activities, including games. Throughout the campaign, Destoori Guides and Ambassadors will conduct surveys of the thoughts of local people and their ideas about the constitution-making process. The responses to these will form the basis of a report making key recommendations, which will be submitted to the Constitutional Drafting Committee.
“The constitution represents a unique opportunity to write a new, democratic contract between the people of Libya and the Libyan state, based on a foundation of respect for the rule of law and the rights of all citizens,” said Elham Saudi, Director of LFJL.
“It is absolutely essential that Libyans, all Libyans, have the opportunity to participate and engage in the constitution-making process and that the GNC fosters a sense of ownership of the process amongst Libyans.”
Saudi added: “The constitution will be the single most important document on the future of the rights of the Libyan people, and it is vital that Libyan people have a voice. The constitution must be a document made for them and by them. The Destoori project will help to guarantee that it is.”
The first Destoori event is ‘Karbask Destoorik’ or ‘Scribble your Constitution,’ a competition between four of Libya’s most talented graffiti artists. They will be creating artworks depicting human rights, including justice, freedom, dignity and equality at 11pm on 11 August in Bab Ban Gasheer, Tripoli.
Rehlat Watan will be touring the country from mid-September until early October.
More information can be found here:
‘Constitution Day’ dates can be found here:
To become a Destoori Guide or Ambassador:
To get Destoori to visit your town, email: [email protected] [/restrict]