Tripoli, 18 June:
The Justice and Construction Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya, has issued a broad statement . . .[restrict]of principles ahead of next month’s National Conference elections on 7 July. Official campaigning starts today, with the Justice and Reconstruction Party one of 142 political parties putting forward candidates for election. Their statement reads:
“We pay tribute to the sacrifices made by the Libyan people and congratulate them on their victories.
While we prepare all individuals, entities, political parties and civil society institutions for the National Conference elections, the whole world is considering this to be a great and important step because it marks the basis for the transition from revolution to the formal state and lays down the foundations of security and stability, tranquility and prosperity for all citizens of Libya.
The Justice and Construction party, therefore, through communication with many political entities, has found a consensus primarily on the need to agree on a set of moral and political principles that contribute to overcoming this phase successfully, assuming, together, the national responsibility by way of adopting these very principles and basic foundations which include:
1. Encouraging participation in the electoral process and work to create all possible conditions at all levels to make it a success with a high degree of transparency, integrity and professionalism,
2. Fair competition between individuals and entities away from smears, mistrust and condemnation,
3. The acceptance of election results regardless of the outcome,
4. The next stage shall be a national consensus within the country and this includes the formation of the interim government,
5. When forming the constitution drafting committee, diversity and efficiency must be taken into account whilst ensuring the expansion of partnership and an extensive constitutional dialogue,
6. Pledging to prohibit the shedding of Libyan blood and not to resort to violence and prevent the use of weapons to solve any problem that may arise, and to establish rules of justice and acquiescence to the rule of law,
7. Providing for the higher interest of the nation, in any partisan interest or regional, tribal or individual and respect for the public right and submit it to your right,
8. Laying the foundations of freedom and respect for political pluralism in a cultural and social framework of national unity.
Whilst putting forward these ideas, we are all invited to meet and engage in dialogue about these ideas in order to achieve the supreme national interest, which is our goal in our beloved homeland.” [/restrict]