Tripoli, 30 April:
The Central Libyan Bank has announced it has paid LD 122,377,400 between 2 April and 26 April to Libyan families in . . .[restrict]accordance to Law No. 10. It said that grant claims from 47,395 families had been settled during the period.
Under Law 10, drawn up to celebrate the first anniversary of the 17 February Revolution, Libya is paying LD 1,000 for every Libyan husband, another LD 1,000 for every wife and LD 200 for every other member on the Family Identity Book. The payout started on 2 April.
The bank also said that a newly created database had significantly improved the procedures and prevented queues in front of banks.
It had taken the Central Bank some time to sort out the mechanics of the payment especially given the existence of forged and out-of-date family books. In its statement issued on Sunday, it indiacted it was satisfied with the procedures for payment of the grants, saying that it was going to plan.