By Sami Zaptia.
London, 3 April 2021:
It has been recently revealed that a workshop was held in Tripoli in February, to discuss Libya’s integration in the Euromed Trade Help Desk.
An earlier meeting on the same topic was held in Tunis in 2019.
Euromed Trade Help Desk is an online portal for product-specific information on tariffs and duties, import and export procedures and market requirements for each of the nine participating Mediterranean countries.
Work has been going to integrate Libya in this portal to be the 10th participating country by the end of June 2021; this integration will come with Libyan partners’ help: the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the General Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture.
The workshop was attended by the director of the Private Sector Development and Investment Department at the Ministry of Economy, the General Director of the General Union of Chambers of Commerce and representatives of the Tax Authority, the Bureau of Statistics and Census, the Export Development Center and the Head of the Import and Export Department at the Ministry of Economy and Industry. Through Zoom application, representatives of the ITC World Trade Center also attended this workshop with Mr. Sufyan Mehiaoui, director of the Economic Development and Institutional Capacity Building at Expertise France.
This workshop included a presentation by ITC representatives about the importance and benefits of this project for Libya. The project’s completion process and implementation mechanisms were also discussed during the workshop.
To facilitate trade between Libya and Mediterranean countries through this portal, capacity building will be delivered to local Libyan partners to be able to manage the tool and take care of international trade inquiries.
It should be noted that this project is part of the EU funded project EU4PSL to support the private sector in Libya, whose implementation is entrusted to Expertise France.