By Sami Zaptia.

London, 10 April 2021:
UNSMIL reported today that the Legal Committee of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LDPF) concluded a three-day in-person meeting in Tunisia from 7 to 9 April to finalise the discussions on a constitutional basis for Libya’s national elections set for 24 December 2021.
It reported that after working for long hours the Legal Committee were able to overcome divisions and managed to reach consensus on a constitutional basis for the elections. UNSMIL acknowledged the efforts made by the members to address this important matter, with dedication, commitment and spirit of compromise. It also took note of the differences remaining on some of the issues which will be referred to LPDF to decide upon them.
Addressing the meeting, UNSMIL head Jan Kubis said, “You have accomplished a lot over the past few days, reaching agreement on important principles and modalities for the constitutional basis for elections. I know that this work is the fruit of intense discussions and that you had to often overcome strong divisions.” He urged the members to identify the most coherent and consensual way to consolidate their discussions and present a report to the LPDF.”
Kubis reiterated UNSMIL’s full commitment to hold national elections on 24 December of this year, in accordance with the LPDF Roadmap, and UNSMIL’s support to solutions that lead to the national elections on the date identified by the LPDF members themselves.
The Legal Committee members pledged to submit their final report on the discussions and outcomes to the LPDF plenary to decide upon. UNSMIL said it will soon facilitate a meeting for the LPDF to discuss this report and consider the LC recommendation on the constitutional basis for national elections on 24 December 2021.