By Sami Zaptia.

London, 7 August 2020:
As the spread of Libya’s Coronavirus seems to be out of control, the Tripoli government extended the existing curfew for another ten days from today (until 17 August) and made the wearing of masks in public mandatory.
It has also introduced fines for the failure by members of the public to wear masks in a public place, and fines for owners of commercial premises for not forcing customers to wear masks and social distance within their premises.
A LD 500 fine has been introduced with the possibility of the withdrawal of a trading licence and the shutting down of the commercial premises for a month – for not imposing mask-wearing. On the other hand, a LD 250 fine can be imposed for not wearing a mask in public transport. Breaking the curfew can attract a LD 1,000 fine and the closure of a commercial premise for 2 months. Vehicle owners can be fined LD 500 for travelling during curfew times. Travel on foot is allowed,
The 24-hour weekend curfew and prevention of travel between areas/cities by car has also been extended during these 10 days.