By Sami Zaptia.

London, 30 May 2018:
Libya’s Presidency Council Ministry of Justice announced that it has won two arbitration cases, one in Paris and one in Beirut during the month of May.
Last week Libya won an arbitration case brought against it at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris by Portuguese company Way-2-B.
The Portuguese company had made a €60 million financial compensation claim against Libya’s contracting authority, the Organization for the Development of Administrative Centres (ODAC), for alleged damage caused to it during the 2011 revolution, as well as the alleged breach by ODAC for the implementation of two university complexes.
According to the official page of the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Arbitration ruled that all applications of the plaintiff against ODAC were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
All the Portuguese company’s demands against the Libyan state were also rejected in the absence of any basis for them and the court compelled it to pay the Libyan state’s legal fees within 21 days from the date of judgement (24 May 2018).
The Justice Ministry also revealed that it had successfully defended a case for a claim for €28 million before the Lebanese courts by Before Trading Offshore, which claimed it had supplied a field hospital to Libya during the 17 February 2011 revolution through the Port of Khoms, without any deed of fact or law.
The Beirut Summary Court ruled in the proceedings on 15 May 2018 of lack of jurisdiction in the matter and refused all further requests and the charged the plaintiff all fees and expenses in an expedited enforcement decision.
It will be recalled that Libya successfully defended another arbitration case in February against two Brazilian construction companies.