By Libya Herald reporter.
Benghazi, 24 August 2017:
Shop owners in Benghazi’s wholesale Suq Al-Arab and the smaller Suq Al-Hadaiqa were handed control of them today by the committee set up earlier this month to oversee their restoration.
They shopkeepers are now responsible for cleaning up the markets and reopening them.
It was optimistically announced three weeks ago that a committee had been formed by the acting mayor of Benghazi to oversee the Suq Al-Arab’s reopening and that it could possibly happen within a week. In the event the committee has decided that the best people to ensure the markets restart are the shop owners. It has left them with the responsibility of funding the move.
No date has been announced for either reopening.
Suq Al-Arab between Sabri and Salmani is largely a base for wholesellers of almost anything, including food. Suq Al-Hadaiqa which is close to Sabri is smaller and was where many second-hand items from TVs to clothes could be found.