By Libya Herald reporters.
![Foreign media spokesman Jamal Zubia fired by the PC (Photo: FMD)](
Tunis, 26 June 2016:
The Presidency Council has formally appointed Khaled Farhat as head of the foreign media office, dismissing Jamal Zubia who was chosen as head of the Foreign Media Department by the GNC regime’s “prime minister”, Omar Hassi, two years ago.
Farhat was in fact given the job shortly after the Presidency Council arrived in Tripoli, but there was no formal announcement. Zubia meanwhile continued to function, insisting he was still in office. He was supported by fellow Misratan officials and militias in Tripoli and by all officials in Misrata. He continued to organise press visas and facility trips to the frontline.
Farhat said he would collaborate fully with his colleagues to ensure the service provided served Libya’s best interests. He would help foreign journalists obtain the facts about what was happening in the country.
The combative Zubia tonight hit back issuing a long statement in which he rejected his ouster. He said the PC had acted illegally and his FMD remained the legally-constituted link with overseas journalists.
He said that global media organisations would be surprised by the move. He accused the PC of representing Qaddifist elements who were running the country on the basis of cronyism, regionalism and personal ambition.