By Ajnadin Mustafa.

Tripoli, 30 June 2015:
The Dar Al-Ifta, the fatwa organisation chaired by Sheikh Sadek Al-Ghariani, has ruled that the UN-brokered . . .[restrict]Dialogue negotiations in Skhirat, Morocco, are legal under Sharia law but has condemned the latest draft agreement produced by UNSMIL as un-Islamic.
Responding to a number of questions supposedly asked about the legality of the Dialogue, the Dar Al-Ifta said that it was permitted for non-Muslims to help Muslims achieve peace if they could not so themselves, as long as what was proposed was not contrary to Islam.
However, it was not lawful for Muslims to sign any agreement that ignored the Supreme Court ruling, which, in the view of Libya Dawn supporters, de-legitimised the House of Representatives.
Nor was it was legitimate to agree an deal that in effect saw non-Muslims being the arbiter of what should happen in a Muslim state. “Infidels”, it said, could not be permitted to decide on sovereign matters of a Muslim nation. Additionally, it was wrong to agree anything that empowered killers and criminals – seen as a reference to Operation Dignity.
Accusations of a similar nature against Libya Dawn appear to have been ignored.
Ghariani, still regarded as Grand Mufti by the authorities in Tripoli, did not sign off on the statement, but it never issues anything without his say-so.
He has, meanwhile, welcomed the victory in Derna of the pro-Al-Qaeda local Mujahdeen, praising their decision to impose Sharia law in the town. [/restrict]