By Ajnadin Mustafa.

Tripoli, 20 May 2015:
Sheikh Sadek Al-Ghariani managed to land himself in new controversy this evening by declaring it un-Islamic . . .[restrict]for anyone to decide by themselves to quit the fight against Libya Dawn’s enemies. Only the General National Congress and the General Chief of Staff could legitimately make such a decision, he said on Al-Tanasah TV, run by his Fatwa organisation, Dar Al-Ifta.
The declaration follows the decision by Misrata brigades to organise ceasefires in the west of the country with the Warshefana and in the south with the Magarha and, last night, to announce that it was leading a campaign for peace and national reconciliation in the country.
Ghariani has effectively declared Misrata’s moves to be haram.
Ghariani is no longer accepted as Grand Mufti in the east of the country but is still recognised as such by Libya Dawn, including Misrata.