By Libya Herald staff.

Tripoli, 19 March 2015:
Against the odds Libya has already held successful elections for parliament, the constitutional drafting committee . . .[restrict]and local councillors.
To keep the momentum going, the UN is again training local election staff to themselves become trainers in order that they can provide ongoing education on electoral processes throughout the country.
Twelve Higher National Elections Commission (HNEC) members along with 12 Tunisian representatives attended the recent “training of trainers” programme held 1-11 March in Hammamet, Tunisia.
The UN’s BRIDGE programme, “Building Resources in Democracy, Governance and Elections”, conducted the workshop, with support also provided by the EU.
The UN and the EU have provided training and logistical support, as well as some monitoring, on past elections. With new elections suggested as an outcome of the current UNSMIL-sponsored dialogue, opportunities for ongoing training in conducting fair and successful elections continue. [/restrict]