By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 17 December 2014:
The Hun Municipal Council has expressed its readiness to host the next round of dialogue talks sponsored . . .[restrict]by the UN, saying it valued the efforts being made to bring about a solution to the Libyan crisis.
The planned dialogue meeting, successor to the Ghadames I talks and scheduled for 9 December, has now been postponed twice.
The council’s declaration follows the Tripoli-based General National Congress’s announcement this week that the “Ghadames II” dialogue should occur in Hun. Ghadames was “not safe”, Omar Hemidan, spokesman for the rump Congress, said yesterday.
The GNC call for talks to be held in Hun is likely to result in further rejection by the HoR. It is seen as under Misratan, or Libya Dawn, control, and therefore not considered neutral. [/restrict]