By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 19 November 2014:
A charity organisation in Bani Walid has accused supporters of Libya Dawn of seizing a convoy of aid sent from the organisation to the people of Kikla and changing the banner on the trucks to indicate that the charity organisation supports Libya Dawn.
The Iliyas Charity organised a convoy of aid to be sent from Bani Walid to Kikla via Tripoli. While the trucks were in Tripoli Libya Dawn supporters, claimed a spokesperson for the organisation, changed the banners on the trucks, adding “Kikla, a sign of perseverance” underneath the original writing.
The addition gives nod to Kikla for withstanding the assault being made on it by anti-Libya Dawn forces. The charity’s spokesman made clear in his statement that the aid sent was not a show of support for either side in the armed conflict, but as a humanitarian gesture.
The charity the condemned the manipulation of a non-political gesture into something coopted by one side of the conflict. [/restrict] [/restrict]