By Aznadin Mustafa.
Tripoli, 27 November 2014:
Libyan Air Force jets operating out of a base controlled by Zintani units today again targeted Libya . . .[restrict]Dawn forces. They attacked a camp in Gharian and a second in Zultan, west of Zuwara, according to Zintan Operations Room (ZOR). It is not known if there were any casualties at either Gharian’s Camp 523, said to be occupied by the Abu Ghilan brigade, or the Zultan base, although in the case of the latter ambulances were reported to have rushed there following the raid.
Both attacks have been confirmed on social media sites by Libya Dawn supporters, although the Zultan attack was initially reported as being at Abu Khammash, just kilometres away from the Tunisian border.
Yesterday, the mayor of the Amazigh town of Zuwara, which supports Libya Dawn, said that a military plane had fired a missile at farmland east of the town. This has been denied by the ZOR which claimed that no sorties were made yesterday because of a lack of aviation fuel. There was, however, a delivery later in the day yesterday which was why, the ZOR official told the Libya Herald today, the two bombing raids had taken place.
The same official also insisted that a military aircraft had been flown to Bani Walid airbase to be used against Misrata airport. However, the assistant commander at the airbase, Colonel Omar Abdullah, has been reported by Buwabat Al-Wasat denying this. The airbase no longer possessed the technology or the communications for military to use it and the runway was too short, he claimed. The only planes at Bani Walid, he insisted, were out-of-commission light aircraft.
The Libyan National Army’s use of its new found air power in the west to hit Mitiga on Monday and Tuesday has drawn criticism from several foreign governments, including Italy and Turkey, and the UN Special Envoy Bernardino Leon. [/restrict]