By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 20 October 2014:
The official head of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, Bashir Kubti, has rejected the assertion by the . . .[restrict]Prime Minister that Libya Dawn is the military arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya.
Speaking in a telephone interview with the German Press Agency, Kubti criticized Prime Minister Abdullah Al-Thinni for making the claim and said that the Muslim Brotherhood does not have a military arm. He added some rather choice remarks about Thinni, saying that he could not be believed.
He also said that the Brotherhood was tired of being blaimed for all the problems in the country, saying that the government should be held responsible, starting back to the time of Ali Zeidan. According to Kubti, the government spent too much time blaming the Muslim Brotherhood and did not focus on finding a solution to the problems in Libya.
On the subject of Khalifa Hafter, Kubti declared he that was dictating not only military events in Libya but also the political process. He claimed that Hafter was “an illegitimate leader” and questioned the legitimacy of the House of Representatives since it was backing Hafter.
The Muslim Brotherhood, claimed Kubti, is not biased. “We are with the people and respect the people’s choices”, he said. “We supported the elections and the outcome of the elections.”
The House of Representatives (HOR), however, had failed to follow the correct procedures for the handover, he stated. That had led to questions about its legitimacy. [/restrict]