By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 26 September 2014:
National Dialogue Commission Chairman Fadeel Lameen has met with UNSMIL chief Bernardino Leon in New . . .[restrict]York while at the United Nations General Assembly this week.
He and other commission members discussed with Leon the upcoming UN-sponsored political dialogue set to begin on 29 September between House of Representatives (HoR) members in Tobruk and those members of the HoR who have been boycotting the sessions held there.
After the meeting in New York Lameen indicated that the Commission was supportive of the efforts of Leon and others to bring both sides to the table for dialogue.
Lameen added that the Commission continued to urge all parties to respect legitimately elected institutions in Libya and to resolve differences through dialogue, not by resorting to violence.
He had earlier said that dialogue was “crucial to building concensus and of paramount importance for Libya’s democratic transition.”
This past spring the commission organised a series of dialogue sessions throughout Libya, touring 30 towns and cities in Libya. [/restrict]