By Jamal Adel.

Tripoli, 22 June 2014:
The Hariga oil port in the eastern town of Tobruk has resumed loading crude and first tanker . . .[restrict]is now preparing to leave the port.
“The Elakssiya has been loaded with approximately 750 thousand barrels of oil and is preparing to leave in the next few hours,” AGOCO spokesperson at the Hariga port, Omran Al-Zuwai, told the Libya Herald.
The oil port, operated by the Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCO), was shut down on 25 May in a blockade set up by PFG members demanding back pay. The move resulted in the complete shut-down of production at the Sarir oilfield, as well as a severe decrease in output at the nearby Messla oil field in order to avoid an overflow of the Hariga tank farm. [/restrict]