By Ahmed Elumami.
Tripoli, 18 March 2014:
The Warriors Affairs Commission (WAC) . . .[restrict]has formally announced its new name-change to the Libyan Programme for Reintegration and Development (LPRD), as it reaches the second stage of its programme on disarmament and state-building.
The head of the newly-named LPRD, Mustafa Sagezli, said that its vision was to further the ideas behind WAC, namely reintegrating former revolutionary fighters into society. The programme, he said, had completed its first phase, of registration, rehabilitation and basic training.
It was now moving into the second phase, he said, of educational and vocational programmes, including military training and study abroad, and economic opportunities, such as starting small and medium-sized enterprises.
The new LPRD logo was also launched at yesterday’s press conference in Benghazi. With four colours and icons, each of these refers to an objective of the LPRD with associated key words.
The orange icon refers to the scholarship and training programme (success, energy, confidence, affiliation), the blue icon refers to the enterprise programme (wisdom, dignity, experience, truth), the turquoise icon refers to the leadership and reconciliation programme (discovery, understanding, openness, flexibility), and the green icon refers to the reintegration and social programme (renewal, development, productivity, change).
The LPRD will start its reintegration programme, which will run until 2016, with a new administration as well as the co-operation of related ministries. These include the Ministries of Higher Education, Labour, and Economy, which will oversee the programme and activate economic and educational projects. [/restrict]