By Muhammad Elosta and Khaled Jebril.

Tripoli, 15 November 2013:
A harassed doctor at Tripoli Central Hospital which has been taking in many . . .[restrict]of the wounded and dead from the shooting of protestors in Gharghour told the Libya Herald this evening that the emergency rooms were overwhelmed by the influx of casualties.
There are 70 wounded and seven dead,” Dr Mohamed Salem said at around 7.30 pm this evening. They were civilians as well as men in military uniform, he said.
“The hospital has been in total disarray since 3 pm today,” Dr Marwa Al-Tayaf, another clincian at the hospital, said. “Wounded people have been coming in as we speak. We are receiving more and more of them. Some have gunshot wounds. Others have shrapnel injuries.”
As the evening continued, dozens of boxes of blood transfusion kits were being rushed to the hospital, while Red Crescent volunteers were bringing in yet more victims of the Gharghour protest slaughter. Local residents were offering what help they could, from transportation to blood donations.
Outside the hospital, in much the same way as happened during the revolution, citizens have been helping direct traffic while the entrance has been crowded with people waiting to hear of relatives or friends who had been injured in the battle.
Other Tripoli hospitals have also been taking in the wounded and dead. [/restrict]