![Mohammed Sawan had previously said that the NFA was not included in . . .[restrict]the Justice & Construction party's coalition plans](http://www.libyaherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Sawan2-1024x695.jpg)
Tripoli, 5 September 2013:
The Justice and Construction Party (J&C) has ramped up its campaign against the Prime Minster accusing him of being responsible for all Libya’s currents woes. It says that it is thinking of pulling its ministers out of the government. It has also called on Congress to “exercise its supervisory role and to take all necessary measures to correct the (country’s) path and bear full responsibility before the Libyan people”. This being taken as a call to Congress to sack the government.
On Monday it called upon the Congress to investigate Prime Minister Ali Zeidan over the “government’s poor performance” and, if unsatisfied, unseat Ali Zeidan in a no-confidence vote.
A party statement yesterday listed the woes it blamed him for: oil exports brought to a halt, widespread lawlessness, security chaos, kidnappings, assassinations, attacks on power plants, theft of power cables, attacks on private and public property, the prevention of aircraft taking off and landing, a failure to institute working local government, the eradication of centralisation, and a failure to rebuild the army and police force. But at the same time, it said, “hundreds of thousands of police and army personal are being paid salaries”.
The statement did not, however, mention that many of the government’s problems have been laid at Congress’ door because it has withheld funds to implement policies. Additionally, while saying that it is thinking of pulling out ministers from the administration, it does not appear to hold them equally responsible for the administration’s failings.
The pull-out call also appears to contradict the party’s statement that it had withdrawn the whip from members serving in Congress and the government – in effect saying that they are now to be considered as independents.
In its statement, the J&C says it is dismayed that it has met with Ali Zeidan several times and advised him on what needs to be done but that nothing has happened. [/restrict]