By Sami Zaptia.
Tripoli, 14 August:
The Consular Section of the US embassy . . .[restrict]in Tripoli has announced that it will be resuming the issuing of US visas to Libyans from Tripoli as of 27 August.
This story was covered by Libya Herald back on 7 June when the US Commercial Attache Nate Mason, talking to a US-Libyan business delegation, predicted that ‘hopefully in July or August business and student visas will start to be issued from here too’.
This will be great news for Libyans who are currently forced to travel to the two nearest US Consular Sections in either Tunis or Malta.
‘The delay in the issuing of visas from Tripoli is not about Libya, but it is about international standards of buildings. It is a bureaucratic requirement of the US all over the world’, Nate Mason had explained.
The Commercial Attaché had been referring to the repair and maintenance needed to be carried out to the US embassy building which was ransacked by members of the previous regime in retaliation for US support for the 17 February Revolution.
The visa processing and interviews will now take place at the U.S. Consular Section which is located at Walie Al-Ahed (Heir to the Throne) Road – Sidi Slim Area – off Airport Road, and not at the Jaraba Street location.
The consular section may be reached by email at [email protected].
For more information go to the US embassy Libya visa page:
For Libya Herald’s story in June on the visa story, see: [/restrict]