By Sami Zaptia.
Tripoli, 26 July:
The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy announced at the government’s official weekly press conference that this . . .[restrict]week further high voltage lines were linked between Ajdabya and Brega which has resulted in the improved supply of electricity between the east and west of Libya.
This has enabled the excess electricity generation in the east to be transferred to the higher consuming western region.
The Ministry also announced that connections in the Kufra area have also been resumed and therefore the Kufra area is receiving normal electricity supplies.
Public consumption awareness campaign
Making the announcements, the official spokesperson, Nasser Al-Mana also highlighted the introduction by the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy this week of a new TV indicator appearing on at least two Libyan channels.
This dial is a live indicator from the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy showing the actual electricity consumption in Libya at the time as well as generation.
It is an attempt by the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy of win over the support and participation of the Libyan public in its campaign to encourage responsible electricity consumption.
The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy has been very active in a public campaign to enlist the support of the Libyan public and is a new endeavor by a Libyan government department or ministry in attracting popular support and participation in public policy.
The idea of the live on-screen dial is that when the dial moves visibly from green to orange, it indicates that the public should think about turning off unnecessary lights or particularly air conditions. However, when the dial moves into the red, it is hoped that the public understands that the nation is consuming beyond its generating capacity and that consumption should be reduced immediately so as to avoid complete power cuts.
It must be reported that while there were quite regular power cuts varying from 2-6 hours depending on locality just before the beginning of Ramadan, there have been no power cuts reported in the areas Libya Herald enquired about during Ramadan.
Definitely Libya Herald’s Hay Demashque offices have experienced no power cuts (fingers crossed) since the start of Ramadan. [/restrict]