Misrata, 20 June:
The renowned media personality Suleiman Dogha was kidnapped earlier today by a brigade belonging to the Misrata branch of . . .[restrict]the Supreme Security Council – before being released again after just 45 minutes.
Dogha was picked up by the Misratans six days after a spat allegedly took place between himself and some Misratan journalists attending a major conference in Jadu in the Nafusa Mountains.
The Misratans in question subsequently walked out of the gathering, which had been called by journalists to establish Libya’s first independent media regulator, claiming there were “too many Qaddafi people at the conference” and accusing Dogha of insulting them.
The brigade which picked Dogha up today said in a statement that the journalist had been accused of “insulting” the Misratan people.
Prior to last year’s uprising, Dogha was chairman of the Al-Ghad (The Future) media company owned by Saif Al-Islam Qaddafi. Shortly before the start of the revolution, Dogha moved to London to resign his position, complaining of the mistreatment and even disappearance of Libyan journalists.
After the revolution began, Dogha became one of the most recognised faces of the uprising, frequently appearing on Al-Jazeera and other outlets.
It is reported that Dogha is in good health after today’s events, and has announced his intention to appear on Misratan TV in order to explain himself. [/restrict]