Tripoli, 8 May:
Brigadesmen from Tobruk today caught the gang whom they say killed the three bank guards transporting cash to the . . .[restrict]town on Sunday. The vehicle has been recovered as has the cash, now put at LD 2 million. It had earlier variously been announced as LD 3 million and LD 5 million.
One of the four guards survived the attack. He and the bodies of the other three were left by the roadside when the attackers fled with the vehicle and cash. Two of the murdered men were shot, it was disclosed today. The third had had his throat slit.
The attack took place while the guards were transporting money from the Central Bank of Libya in Benghazi to the Bank of North Africa in Tobruk.
The men arrested, described as common criminals, are said to come from Derna. [/restrict]