Dear Editor,
Many in this world were happy to see a people find freedom and followed intensely. Maybe it was a little more . . .[restrict]enticing as Qaddafi was a world figure of scorn.
I am glad that you have a chance of nationhood where all are equal. I have never heard of a democracy declaring war on another democracy. True democracies that is.
In a democracy we look insane to those who wish a solid unshakable governance, because we can say anything, and yes it does look stupid on occasion.
This is the what you fought and died for and cannot be wasted.
My concern for this correspondence is that as the newest democracy, you can teach the old democracies with leadership.
You are lucky in that your country has resources to finance a future. Many do not.
Please reinforce you police force with those who protect all, regardless of the recent past.
Yesterday’s patriots fought each other. Today the patriots are the same, but with the same flag, and not those that seperated and weakened universal hopes for your children. This will be built by equality given to each other, and properly policed.
Practice this and you will always have my good wishes.
To the victors go the future, not the spoils.
David Thomas
Sydney, Australia [/restrict]