By Libya Herald staff.
Tripoli, 8 June 2014:
The headquarters of Dar Al Ifta behind the King’s . . .[restrict]Palace in Tripoli was attacked yesterday.
According to Talal Drebi, Head of Administration of Fatwa at Dar Al-Ilfta, at 6 am local time two unidentified gunmen wearing ordinary clothes got out of a white car with tinted windows and fired an RPG to the rear part of the Dar Al-Ifta building. The vehicle with the assailants then sped off.
”CCTV camera showed the impact of the RPG on the building, where it entered one of the windows and came out of the other window, leaving shattered glass behind, ” Drebi explained to the Libya Herald.
There were no casualties, but material damage in the building of the Dar Al-Ifta did occur.
Dar Al-Iftaa condemned the attack on their website, which occurred on the same day as the attack on the Tobacts Hotel on Sharia Omar Mokhtar in central Tripoli.
In both cases, there is no lead on who might be responsible. [/restrict]