The Libya Herald has been providing news on Libya for over 10 years, since we started on 17 February 2012. However in order for us to continue providing this service and expand our activities, our subscription service started in April 2014, with some of our content restricted to paid-subscribers only.We value the great number of visitors who are regular readers of our site checking our news daily for the latest developments in Libya, so we continue to offer general visitors (non-paid subscribers) access to some Libya Herald content for free.
- Each day visitors to the site can read some online articles in full for free; while other articles are restricted to readers with a paid subscription.
- Subscriptions are available for single individuals, and a multi-user subscription is available for organisations requiring access for up to 5 users. The multi-user pricing offers best value, as it is equivalent to paying for 3 single users, but gaining access for 5 – so two users ‘free’.
- Subscriptions are available for 6 months or 1 year.
- Subscription rates are shown below and vary according to the length and type of subscription.
- Current subscription rates mean you can keep up to date on Libya when you subscribe for a year – and even less per person if you have a multi-user/corporate account.
- Payments can be made by bank transfer. See below.
See subscription rates below for:
Subscription rates for online access to
Multi-user subscriptions provide access for up to 5 users from the same organisation, providing access for each user on a 1-year subscription. If you have an in-date subscription you will be notified in advance by email of any changes in subscription rates with option to renew or cancel. In return for Libya Herald allowing you access to you accept the our terms and conditions and acknowledge that all intellectual property rights and copyright in belong to the Libya Herald. Q.2 How can I pay to subscribe? Email your subscription requirements, including name and email for each user, and any questions to Sami Zaptia at [email protected]. You will be sent an invoice for payment by bank transfer in US$, Euro or GBP. Once payment is received you will be emailed a user name and log-in details for each subscriber giving you access to Libya Herald online.