By Sami Zaptia.

London, 4 June 2021:
The Foreign Cases Department of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) revealed Tuesday that Libya had successfully defended two court cases recently: one in Cairo and the second in Rome.
The Cairo Court of Appeal
In the Cairo case, the Cairo Court of Appeal issued its ruling (on 25-05-2021) by accepting the appeal filed by the Libyan state against Bama Foodstuff Import Company in form, and in the matter of repealing the appealed ruling appending the ruling of the North Tripoli Court of First Instance No. (1377/2004), for 30 million US dollars. The court decided not to accept the case for being filed in an irrelevant manner. It obliged the respondent to pay the expenses/attorney’s fees.
Rome case
Libya also obtained a ruling from the Rome Court of First Instance at a hearing (on 21-05-2021) to cancel the payment order issued on 16-04-2018, obligating the Libyan state to pay an amount of Euros 3,316,188.91 in favour of the American Hospital in Rome and rejecting its other requests.