By Sami Zaptia.

London, 20 September:
The UNSMIL-brokered ceasefire in the south Tripoli militia fighting brokedown again today as fighting escalated.
Tripoli’s warring militias continued the indiscriminate shelling of civilians in residential areas of Tripoli thanks to the almost guaranteed impunity for their actions that they enjoy .
Despite continued noIses of threat by UNSMIL today in the form of more statements and meetings, the ceasefire continues to be broken at will as Libya’s militias know they enjoy exemption from punishment and freedom from the injurious consequences of their actions as a result of a weak and increasingly discredited UNSMIL.
There were wide reports of gunfire or shelling in Airport road, the Hadba Project (Mashrou), Nasser University Faculty, Ain Zara, Khalat al-Furjan, Wadi al-Radea and Al-Sabaa.
There were reports of clashes between Abdelghani Al-Kikli’s Abu Salim Central Security “Ghneiwa” brigade and Salah Badi’s Somoud brigade at the Hamza barracks in the Project area of Al- Hadba.
Some unconfirmed reports say that the Tarhuna-based Kani 7th Infantry brigade also took part in the fighting. All sides claim they are in control of or have retaken the Hamza barracks. It has not been possible to confirm any of these claims.
The renewed fighting and sound of flying and landing shells has spread fear amongst the already beleaguered Tripoli residents. It is reported that hundreds of families have had to fle the fighting zones.
Meanwhile, the NOC’S Brega Tripoli Airport road Fuel Depot was hit again today.
Brega reports that shells hit the Finance Building and the General Directorate of Sales building this morning.
Yesterday, it reported that a missile landed in the courtyard of the Financial Affairs Department of the company, causing material damage and a fire in several areas behind the walls of the warehouse.
It reported that another shell landed today in a direct hit on the roof of the General Directorate of Sales building .
Brega reported that its firefighters, security and safety personnel, under fire, prevented the spread of fires and prevent their spread to other parts of the depot.
Brega expressed its concern that “irresponsible practices and serious violations” that occur to a vital and strategic facility.
It says that the Tripoli Airport road Fuel Depot is one of the most important facilities that is relied upon to meet the basic fuel needs of citizens.
It also supplies hospitals and government services and with diesel needs which acts as the main alternative source of fuel for power generation in light of the deterioration of the public electricity network and long hours of power cuts.
Brega warned that the maintenance and re-operation of these facilities will take considerable effort, time and money to return to normal.