By Libya Herald reporter.
Tunis, 12 June 2015:
An agreement to create a Tripoli University Business Incubator was signed Tuesday between Tripoli University and the Tripoli Business Incubator Centre, which is part of Libya Enterprise, the Ministry of Economy department responsible for promoting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Libya.
The incubator will aim to narrow the gap between Tripoli University’s educational outputs and the needs of the workplace and business environment in Libya. It aims to encourage projects at the universities into incubating into business ventures and hopes to attract finance from businesses.
Businesses have long complained that Libyan universities are mass producing students who are not adequately skilled for the workplace, and the SME department in the Ministry of Economy rebranded Libya Enterprise has worked closely over the last few years with the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage students to prepare for the workplace and become more entrepreneurial.
Enterprise Libya has been a partner in awarding considerable monetary prizes for the best university business projects. There is also an award for the best end-of-year projects/dissertations at higher education establishments. [/restrict]